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Application for a charter

When applying for a charter

The granting of a Charter is based on membership needs for a program.  Membership interest as determined by a predesigned minimum number of active participants

Membership Roster

When applying for a charter

Initial form for Charter Application

Sample Bylaws

As Required

Some Bylaws are Mandatory clauses, including some Verbatim clauses, while others are optional and depend on the extent of the operating detail required by the Club

Club Roster Template

Due Annually OR monthly when new members are added and/or removed.

These Rosters are for our Club Track system. When sent back to our Club Specialist it must remain in *.csv format.

New Club Officer’s list
RR&P’s Affirmation Report

Annually within 14 business days of taking office

As new officers are elected or appointed, Clubs will complete the CR-5 Form and forward it to the Club Specialist within 14
days after election or appointment

Passing the Torch

Annually or within 14 business day of taking office

Important information for the new President

Club Activity Calendar for the following year
(Jan 1 – Dec 31)

May 15
These are submitted between May 1 and May 15 for the following year

Identifies regularly scheduled club activities and meetings. The term “regular” is defined to mean the general membership and board meetings that are consistently held on the same day(s) of the calendar

Annual Financial Statement plus preparation Instructions

Feb 15

Comprise of two sections: Income & Expense Statement, and a Balance Sheet. Refer to Chapter 8
Treasurer’s Meeting Presentation

Independent Contractor Agreement

When contract is signed

An individual or group of individuals who are paid by a club to perform services must be engaged by a written contract.

Waiver of Liability

Annually (good for a full calendar year)

Only if a person is going on stage or performing and a CR-8 is not required

Request Purchase Equipment

As Needed

Purchase of new or replacement item

Special Event or Tournament Request

Prior to the event, approval by RAM is required

A written request for a special event or tournament with non-recreation card hold guests

Request for Repairs to existing Facilities

As Needed

Only the Association staff must do facility repairs and maintenance

Request for Interior Remodeling of Existing Club Facilities

As Needed

Request for interior remodeling of existing club quarters will be evaluated for program need and urgency

Remodeling Projects over $5,000

As Needed

Request for remodeling projects that are over $5,000

Facility Reservation Request

As Needed

Form submitted to scheduling office for each facility space reserved

Reciprocal Agreement (never guaranteed)


Agreements to visit like clubs with like communities and facilities. The agreement must be signed by the counterpart of the Recreation Activities Manager

Membership Report

Feb 15

A membership list containing each member’s name and recreation card number as of Dec 31

Disciplinary Action

Within 2 business days

Chartered Club Action Form

Disciplinary Action

As Needed

Governing Board Hearing Form

Accident/Incident Injury Report

Within 24 hours

Any accident/incident/injury occurring in the Association facilities shall be reported to the Facility Supervisor within 24 hours